
申請(qǐng)電話的理由怎么寫(xiě)英語(yǔ) 申請(qǐng)電話的理由怎么寫(xiě)英語(yǔ)翻譯

400電話網(wǎng) 電話申請(qǐng) 2024-08-18 06:00:08 0



Hello,everybody。I have a warm and happy family。My father likes rice and meat,and he always drinks beer with his friends ,sometimes he also drinks some cola 。My mother likes noodles ,vegetables,fruits,and orange juice,but she doesn't like watermelon。My elder brother likes dumplings and fish,he says fish is the most delicious food in the world。And my favorite food is chicken,I think it is the best in my heart。As for drinks,I like milk best,because it is nutritious。 What is your favorite food?Would you like to tell me?

申請(qǐng)電話的理由怎么寫(xiě)英語(yǔ) 申請(qǐng)電話的理由怎么寫(xiě)英語(yǔ)翻譯

I'm fond of so many different foods. Eating is so common a human behavior. But it can be such a great fun. Even Famous great artists can be a epicures. Libai Loves liquor while Baijuyi Loves lychee. Western people say"You are what you eat." I love a range of Different kinds of foods. For Example, I love fruits,Different kinds of Chinese cuisine. I love the taste and the feeling they give me. Good food should be the ones that give us the best feeling and experience of Eating. French writer Proust Once was in memory of a kind of small cake is that he ate when he was very young. No matter whatever the foods are, What suits us are the best ones.

Hi, boys and girls.My name is Kangkang.I like eating meat, eggs, fish, and fruit, but my favorite food is chicken.That's because my mother can cook delicious chicken in the world.Every time I come back home from school, I can smell the delicious flavour of chicken in the air. My mother can cook delicious chicken soup, stewed chicken and fried chicken. Besides, I want to tell you that my favorite drink is cola, because color can make me happy and cola is delicious too.Every time I eat chicken, I always drink cola.Though I know that cola is not a healthy drink, I still like it best. Maybe I should drink cola less because I want to be stronger and healthier and happier.

嗨,孩子們, 我是康康。我喜歡吃肉、雞蛋、魚(yú)和水果,但是我最喜歡的食物是雞肉。那是因?yàn)槲覌寢寱?huì)做世界上最好吃的雞肉。每次我放學(xué)回家,我都能聞到雞肉的香味飄散在空氣中。我媽媽會(huì)做好喝雞湯、香噴噴的燉雞和酥脆焦香的炸雞。另外,我想告訴你的是,我最喜歡的飲料是可樂(lè), 因?yàn)楹瓤蓸?lè)可以讓我開(kāi)心可樂(lè)也很好喝啊。每次我吃炸雞,總是喜歡喝可樂(lè)。雖然我也知道可樂(lè)不是一種非常健康的飲料,但我就是喜歡。也許我應(yīng)該少喝點(diǎn)可樂(lè),因?yàn)槲蚁胱兊脧?qiáng)壯,變得健康快樂(lè)。關(guān)注我學(xué)習(xí)更多有趣好玩提分兒的英語(yǔ)知識(shí)。


